वेपत्ता युवकको घरमा गिद्धको अनौठो चर्तिकला/हेर्नेको घुइचो

कर्णालीमा माओवादी अवरोध/ भारतद्वारा सबै लगानी प्रभावित हुने चेतावनी
काठमाडौ, २०६६ माघ १७ - माओवादीले माथिल्लो कर्णालीमा गरेको अवरोधले नेपालको समग्र लगानी वातावरणमा गम्भीर असर पर्ने चेतावनी भारतले दिएको छ । यता नेपाल सरकारले जलविद्युत आयोजनाहरू र लगानी सुरक्षाबारे सरकार गम्भीर रहेको उल्लेख गर्दै यस्ता घटना (बाधा अवरोध) बाट विचलित नहुन सबैलाई अनुरोध गरेको छ ।
न्याय माग्दा बलात्कृत
कैलाली , २०६६ माघ १७ - न्याय माग्दा सतित्व नै गुमाउनुपर्ला भन्ने कहिल्यै सोचेकी थिइनन् रामकुमारी लोनियाले ।
नेपाल ल्याइँदै गरेको ठूलो संख्यामा विस्फोट पदार्थ बरामद
काठमाडौँ, माघ १६ (नागरिक)-दुई लाख डिटोनेटरसहित ठूलो संख्यामा विस्फोटक पदार्थसहित राजस्थानबाट नेपालको वीरगञ्ज आउँदै गरेको एउटा ट्रक भारतको पटनामा प्रहरीले बरामद गरेको छ। भारतीय समाचार एजेन्सी एएनआईका अनुसार, बरामद गरिएको ट्रकमा एक लाख ५० हजार डेटोनेटर इलेक्ट्रिक हुन् भने बाँकी ५० हजार म्यानुअल।
Costs of Nepal bandas
Nepalese climbers in bid to clean up Everest
KATHMANDU, JAN 21 - A group of top Nepalese climbers is planning a high-risk expedition to clean up Everest, concerned at the toll that decades of mountaineering has taken on the world's highest peak.
Nepali players, official hurt in Dhaka elevator collapse on SAG opening day
At least seven Nepali players including an official were injured in a hotel lift collapse in Bangladeshi capital Dhaka where they recently arrived to participate in the 11th South Asian Games (SAG) on Friday.
Hubby kills 'better half' for Rs 5000 dowry
Dead body found
SINDHUPALCHOWK, JAN 28 - One Hutanath Neupane,33, of Thokarpa VDC, Sindhupalchowk has been found dead, a month after he had gone missing.
Maoists lash out at govt silence on Indian hegemony
KATHMANDU, JAN 29 - The UCPN (Maoist), which has been concentrating its agitating for national sovereignty lately, on Friday lashed out at the government for not responding to the demonstrations by Indian citizens at Nepal-India border.
सीमाका २ सय ३६ स्तम्भ गायब
अमर खड्का, इटहरी माघ १२- नेपाल–भारतको सीमा छुट्याउन पूर्वी नेपालका सात जिल्लामा गाडिएका २ सय ३६ सीमा स्तम्भ गायब भएका छन्। यस्ता स्तम्भ धमाधम हराउन थालेपछि सशस्त्र प्रहरी पूर्वी क्षेत्रीय मुख्यालय बराहबाहिनी पकलीले गरेको स्थलगत सर्वेक्षणमा सीमा स्तम्भ गायब भएको पत्ता लागेको हो।
माओवादीको विरोधमा जोगबनी नाका बन्द, अरु सीमा क्षेत्रमा पनि कडाइ
Govt bans export of sand, stones
KATHMANDU, Jan 27: The Ministry for Commerce and Supplies banned the export of sand and stones from Wednesday.
High security alert at international airport
The Ministry of Home Affairs has ordered heightened security vigil at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu following warnings from India that al-Qaeda-linked militants are plotting plane hijacks in the South Asian region.
Gang breaks into house, stabs youth
A gang of nine broke into the house of Krishna Bahadur Lama in Nepaltar, and stabbed 18-year-old Rajkumar Lama and Krishna Pandey. The victims have been taken to the Balaju-based Janamaiti Hospital for treatment and are said to be out of danger.
11 hrs of load shedding from Thursday
KATHMANDU, JAN 27 - With the onset of dry season, the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has once again increased the load-shedding hours effective from Thursday.
Blanket ban on foreign employment via India
In a bid to curb the use of Indian routes for foreign employment, the Foreign Ministry has decided to write to the Government of India not to permit Nepalis to use Indian routes to go to Gulf countries, Lebanon and Malaysia for jobs.
नेपालले भारतबाट महँगोमा बिजुली किन्ने
बलराम बानियाँ, काठमाडौं, माघ ११- नेपालले भारतसित लोडसेडिङ कम गर्न व्यावसायिक मूल्यमा थप ३० मेगावाट बिजुली किन्ने भएको छ।
Bin Laden warns of more attacks
AGENCE FRANCE- PRESSE DUBAI, Jan 24: Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden claimed the botched Christmas Day bombing of a US airliner and threatened further strikes on US targets, in an audio statement broadcast Sunday on Al-Jazeera television.
न्युरोडमा लुटेराले गोली चलाए
व्यस्त बजारबाट लुटेरा फरार-
केपी ढुंगाना, काठमाडौँ, माघ १०- काठमाडौँको न्युरोडस्थित विशालबजारको भूमिगत पार्किङ स्थलमा आज बिहान लुटेराहरुले गोली चलाएका छन्। गोलीबाट कोही हताहत भएका छैनन्।
NEA signs power deal with India
KATHMANDU, Jan 24: The government has signed a deal with India to import an additional 30 MW of electricity. The negotiating team of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), the only state utility company, reached an agreement in this regard with Power Trading Corporation (PTC) of India on Wednesday in New Delhi.
NTL, STC to ease sugar supply
Retailers have expressed their interest to buy sugar from the state-own companies-National Trading Limited (NTL) and Salt Trading Corporation Limited (STC)-at Rs. 78 kg and sell in the market at Rs. 80 per kg as fixed by the government.
More garbage piling up on the streets of Kathmandu
Daily life in the Valley has been disrupted as a strike called by employees of local bodies has meant that garbage has not been collected from the streets of Kathmandu.
Employees of local bodies a announced the indefinite closure of all local bodies on Thursday. With the halt, over 1,000 tonnes of garbage is awaiting disposal.
Nepal Telecom gears up to expand 3G service
Nepal Telecom (NT)-the state-owned telecom service provider which is also the first telecom to introduce the 3G mobile service in South Asia region-is all set to expand the 3G service in the Kathmandu Valley and Pokhara.